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Billboard on Shorehead Roundabout - Yorkshire



Panel Type: D48

Screen Size: 6m X 3m

Illuminated: Yes

Post Code: HD1 2QB

Official Weekly Traffic Count: 1,022,850 per week


Situated on the exterior of Huddersfield premier retail destination and facing onto the University of Huddersfield’s main campus, largest town centre supermarket and major arterial routes connecting Huddersfield to Manchester, Leeds, Bradford and Sheffield, our Kingsgate Huddersfield digital site impacts over 24 million commuters, retail shoppers and students from the Town and surrounding areas each year.


We offer flexible contract options for our digital screens, allowing you to choose between three or six months, with pricing linked to your preferred contract length:


6 Months = £90 per week

3 Months = £115 per week



Opt for 3 Months on 2 screens of your choice for only £98 per week per screen!




  • Advert Plays 7 days a week from 6am to 10pm.
  • 10-second HD Advert played every 5 minutes.
  • FREE Digital artwork included! (Worth £295)
  • 6 Month contracts benefit from a FREE change of artwork mid-contract (if requested)
  • Additional changes to artwork available at £95 each.
  • Cost of full contract spread over 3 affordable monthly payments.


Seize this opportunity to enhance your brand visibility and connect with your target audience effectively.'

Shorehead Roundabout - Yorkshire

PriceFrom £499.00
Price Options
3 Months 1 screen
Pay In 3 Instalments
£499.00every month for 3 months
6 Months 1 screen
Pay In 3 Instalments
£780.00every month for 3 months
3 Months, 2 Screens
Discounted price for two simultaneous 3-month contracts
£850.00every month for 3 months
  • If you have selected our 2 screen offer, you will be able to add the location of your 2nd screen at the checkout stage.

  • Airtime on our screens is sold on either a 3 or 6 month basis. Please select your contract option before proceeding to checkout.

    By purchasing you are agreeing to pay the value of the contract over 3 equal and consecutive monthly payments (regardless of the length of airtime).

    At the end of your fixed contract, your advert will remain playing and you will continue to be charged at the same rate as booked, even if the open booking price has increased during the period of your contract. You are able to cancel any time after your initial fixed period has expired by giving 30 days' notice in writing.

    For more information, please view our T&Cs at

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Company Reg No:13636557

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