Almost all businesses have websites and ones that do not are missing out massively. This blog gives you a look at the difference between informational and ecommerce websites, as well as other relevant factors.
Informational websites, work in providing information. These types of websites may provide cooking tips or even give medical advice. They are used by people or businesses to display their work and describe their services, but actual sales and delivery takes place offline. The main purpose of this is to allow your target audience to learn more about your business as most people like to do their own research before contacting you.
An ecommerce website is designed for business transactions, and it involves online transfer of information. Ecommerce websites include auction sites, retail stores, business-to-business services, financial management sites, and music sites. Some examples of this are eBay, Amazon and iTunes. These give your target audience the ability to buy products and services directly from your business which is extremely convenient for your customers.
The different types of offerings sold through ecommerce websites include:
Digital products = music, videos, eBooks, images, infographics, and textual content
Physical products = clothing, footwear, electronic gadgets, electrical appliances, furniture, and books
The Basics of Ecommerce Website Design:
Following brand identity = branding should be visible and consistent throughout the website which can be done with colours or specific styles. In addition, the brand experience should remain consistent across all channels.
Using visual hierarchy = The most important content should be easy to see
Steer clear of pop-ups = Pop-up windows are distracting, no matter what kind of information they provide. More often than not, shoppers tend to dismiss them as soon as they appear.
Product pages = Once consumers find the products they are after, make sure they get all the information that’s made available by manufacturers.
Seamless Navigation = No matter whether you run an information site or an ecommerce one, it is important that you provide your users an easy browsing experience.
The benefits of having an ecommerce website:
A responsive website makes for a good user experience
Google likes it
It improves loading time
Use of content is more effective
Good for social media
Cost-effective and easy to maintain
Improves online sales